Have you by mistake deleted your Holiday photos?   Your files have suddenly disappeared?   Work files that you have work on for months gone?   Formatted or partitioned the wrong hard drive?

If you believe you hard drive may be in the process of failing or has completely failed, please turn your system off and step away. Continued use and/or rebooting of your system, may damage your hard drive beyond repair. Then, your next step is to call in Techwebyte, We can safely inspect your system and if needed, safely remove your hard drive to recover any lost or damaged files. One of the questions we are asked by clients is “what is my chance of getting back all my data?” Well, that depends; we are not going to lie to you as some facilities do and brag about a 90% success rate. Our success in recovering your data depends on the type of drive, the hard disk model, the failure mode and if you tried to salvage any data yourself. Our data recovery service has a very good chance of recovery data from your Hard disk  and a chance of recovery on your deleted files, like holiday’s photos, office documents, etc. We have the latest tools and technology available to recover data on your hard disk, but it’s never 100%. REMEMBER: STOP USE YOUR DRIVE AND TURN OFF YOUR PC.

Data Recovery Pricing

No Recovery No Charge

Data recovery takes time to do from 2 days to two weeks to do it right But never 100%, No Data Recovered NO CHARGE

Contact us Today

Call us today on 091-395419 or 085-2693226

E-mail: info@techwebyte.com

"Where Technology Matters"



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